I have lived in Wisconsin for my whole life. When I was four years old, my parents moved us back to the farm where my father grew up, and I have lived there ever since. For as long as I can remember I have had a love for animals of all kinds and a fascination with science and biology, as well as a passion for art and reading. Growing up, I was always reading everything I could about anything related to animals. On more than one occasion, classmates or teachers referred to me as a walking encyclopedia, though I have never considered myself an expert on anything, since I know there is always so much more I have to learn. This love for animals and interest in learning eventually lent itself well to my journey in raising poultry.
I have been involved in raising animals for as long as we have lived on our farm. Beef cattle have always been our primary livestock, and pets have included the farm cats and dogs, rabbits, goats, and the occasional frog, toad, fish, snake, turtle, insect, or spider. My journey with birds began when I was in eighth grade, about 2013 I believe. It started with pigeons, with chickens following about a year later. Our first chickens were Cornish-cross broilers and hatchery Black Australorps and Silver Laced Wyandottes, but it wasn't long before I began to get into showing, breeding, and the world of Standard-Bred poultry. In researching different breeds and varieties, my Aunt and I also became enamored by colored egg layers which naturally ended up leading us to the Ameraucana breed.
Currently, we are working with LargeFowl Blue Ameraucana (plus the Black and Splash they naturally produce of course) and Bantam Silvers, along with (too many) other breeds, varieties, and projects of chickens, pigeons, and waterfowl. Since we've had them, the Ameraucanas have always been among the favorites. We've had a lot of ups and downs, made mistakes, and I'll be the first to admit our birds still need work, but overall it has been a great experience learning about the birds, the hobby, and meeting great people, and I hope to continue working to improve and promote the breed. Thank you for the opportunity to be a director. Although the role is completely new to me, I hope to serve in whatever way I can.